Saturday, November 25, 2006

Partying like its 1976

Last night was 3RRR's 30th birthday party, held in the appropriately baroque surroundings of The Forum, and what a splendid affair it was. With the theme of 'Party like it's 1976', almost all the crowd made the effort to dress accordingly. There were some truly disturbing suits on display, some wonderfully garish frocks, an entire gang of Sharpies, several tennis players, footballers, superheroes, and sundry other 70's personalities.

Myself, I donned a rather charming kaftan and a fetching wig, and proceeded to have an excellent time. So excellent in fact that the sun had well and truly risen by the time I got home...

This afternoon has been spent curled up on the couch with a good book, James Ellroy's The Big Nowhere, and a quick visit to the local polling booth where I voted Green, having given up on Labor several years ago after their disgraceful response to the Tampa affair.

Tonight's going to be a quiet one - just me, a bottle of red, and the ABC's election coverage. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I went to the Carlton Labor branch meeting on the Monday before the election and Lindsay Tanner spoke. He brought up the Tampa thing and said that hhe personally thought it was a bad decision, but that the party had no choice. He pointed out that his seat of Melbourne is one of the "nicest" parts of Australia, and said that Melbourne itself is a genuinely nice place where people are tolerant: not so for the majority of Australia. Whatever plays well in his electorate probably won't play well elsewhere. So with an issue like the Tampa, if he'd come out against it it would have meant he would have been out of danger of losing his seat, but perhaps half a dozen other Labor people elsewhere would have lost theirs. That's what their internal polling said anyway. The real problem is that for the first time in a long time we have a prime minister (described by Lindsay as a "grub") who is prepared to make race an issue.

I quite like Lindsay: his policy stances are much to the left compared with the rest of the party and I'll always vote for him. He's a thinker and seems to be doing a reasonable job as head of Labor's policy development group (I think). Like you I voted for the Greens in this State election though. I'm not renewing my Labor party membership (after a year I've decided it's not the party for me) and I may join the Greens when I have a regular income again to pay the fee. I'd really like to see them win some lower house seats.

richardwatts said...

Andrew - you and me both. I received an unexpected cash bonus at work this week, and am seriously considering using it to join the Greens. Unfortunately I suspect I'll actually have to end up using it to pay bills...